The demeanor of a lot of our team members is that of professionals wanting to see people walking in success despite social distractions, blocked creativity, stress and lifeless goals. We have a series of short courses that provide an excellent environment for clients to see beyond their barriers.
Hot Course Topics
Personal Mastery
This class is customised to provide an excellent learning opportunity for personal change, well being, self worth, situational awareness and success. Create new opportunities by altering your mindset. Get the tools to move from striving to thriving.
Remove limitations, concentrate and win!
Workplace Resilience
Bridging the Generation Gap
Coaching for Personal Resilience
Register for 1,2 and 3 for 15% OFF (Save over $500)
To attend training from home, a participant would need:
Windows/MacBook Laptop
• 2.0 GHz Duo Core Processor
• RAM : 4 GB
• 256GB and above preferred Hard Drive (HDD/SSD)
• Check with your internet provider
• A download speed of 25 Mbps or higher is desirable
Work Station
• Ensure that you have the right ergonomic setup to allow for a productive day of learning