The demeanor of a lot of our team members is that of professionals wanting to see people walking in success despite social distractions, blocked creativity, stress and lifeless goals. We have a series of short courses that provide an excellent environment for clients to see beyond their barriers.

Hot Course Topics

Coaching for Personal Resilience
Personal Mastery
Personal Mastery

This class is customised to provide an excellent learning opportunity for personal change, well being, self worth, situational awareness and success. Create new opportunities by altering your mindset. Get the tools to move from striving to thriving.

Remove limitations, concentrate and win!



Workplace Resilience
Amid a life altering pandemic, life demands we goes on. Personal, social, work and family life continue to tug on our attention. This course will give you the tools to identify stressors that may blindside you. Explore factors and protective strategies to build your resilience. Learn how to keep moving even when you are feeling paralyzed by your situation.



Bridging the Generation Gap
Feeling threatened by a younger colleague getting ahead of you in the workplace is very common. Some younger managers feel intimidated to reveal their age. This course taps into the gain perspective were learning from each generation creates a powerful team. Understand the other person’s point of view. What was a stumbling thought can become a solid stepping stone.



Coaching for Personal Resilience
Focus on what has worked well. Establish a baseline of your resilience skills. Plan for ways to utilize your personal databank of assets in a plan for building your resilience. Discover and learn about pillars that uphold us. By strengthening these pillars, we in turn, become more resilient. Establish your habits to become more successful.




Register for 1,2 and 3 for 15% OFF (Save over $500)


To attend training from home, a participant would need:

Windows/MacBook Laptop

• 2.0 GHz Duo Core Processor
• RAM : 4 GB
• 256GB and above preferred Hard Drive (HDD/SSD)


• Check with your internet provider
• A download speed of 25 Mbps or higher is desirable

Work Station

• Ensure that you have the right ergonomic setup to allow for a productive day of learning