The Leader's Program

The principles from the Leadership Capacity Building executive program will position you on a results-focused trajectory. It delivers business results and ensures fulfillment on your journey to success.
This development opportunity gives each participant the inner ‘construct’ on what is required to build  insight and foresight, two critical attributes that offer a competitive advantage in the ever-shifting market environment. 


Power of Teamwork

Tap into the time-tested approach to getting work done with high engagement levels and personal satisfaction levels. Teaming explores the amazing power of Organized Assistance and how you can develop cohesiveness on your team and ignite a passion  

Program Benefits

  • Shift your mindset to function as a team and not a group
  • Improve the quality of interactions amongst your team
  • Raise self and social awareness
  • Develop clear steps for effective team and work processes



Emotional Intelligence

Awareness is a powerful practice that helps anyone to function, achieve and enjoy a rich and a satisfying life. Those that lack or don’t practice awareness experience a diminished life with limited options.

Program Benefits

  • Increase your levels of foresight and insight
  • Raise your strategic and critical thinking skills
  • Develop mental and emotional agility
  • Achieve results faster



Effective Communication

  • Remove barriers that impede your interactions with others
  • Increase your level of self confidence in communication
  • Identify and avoid potential explosions in interpersonal communication
  • Deal with difficult people and quickly resolve conflict
  • Spend more time enjoying other people
  • Increase productivity



Winning with "Difficult" Staff

Sooner or later every supervisor must deal with a challenging staff member. This course provides a wealth of hands-on examples that cover critical business and professional development topics to allow participants to broaden their capacity dealing with toxic team members. Understand why performance problems occur, and how to resolve them. The intervention model helps equip participants to have challenging conversations when termination is not an option.




    Register for 1,2 and 3 for 15% OFF (Save over $500)


    To attend training from home, a participant would need:

    Windows/MacBook Laptop

    • 2.0 GHz Duo Core Processor
    • RAM : 4 GB
    • 256GB and above preferred Hard Drive (HDD/SSD)


    • Check with your internet provider
    • A download speed of 25 Mbps or higher is desirable

    Work Station

    • Ensure that you have the right ergonomic setup to allow for a productive day of learning